Here Comes Jake The Snake

Here comes Jake!
Jake’s coming out of this thing just as I thought he would. It’s not easy watching him go through this. It makes it a little easier knowing that I’ll be right by his side through all of it. As I type this he’s right behind me close enough for me to hold onto him. I don’t like the way I feel when I’m not close to him. People try to tell me I’m doing a great thing. I’m just doing what I can for my little brother as he fights through this. Simple as that. He’s my bro.
Now, back to Jake coming out of this thing. He’s starting to move a lot. He makes it quite clear that he doesn’t like the nurses suctioning his mouth. Something tells me that if he hadn’t been in bed for 17 days, he’d be ripping the restraints right off his bed. The kid’s a trooper and he’s doing what he can to get comfortable right now. It’s tough sometimes to see the faces he makes when he’s uncomfortable, but it’s also comforting to know he’s starting to be Jake again. The faces he’s making are similar to what he would do if he didn’t like something. It’s uncomfortable to see but he’s progressing and that’s all that matters. It’s been amazing to see him go from not moving to jerking around and opening his eyes for us. I got him to wiggle his toes for me and squeeze my hand. Lissa (our mom) isn’t leaving his side and is there to comfort him at all times. It’s not often there isn’t someone in the room making sure he’s OK. Amber (our sister) and a few friends were here today. Jake looked at Amber with both eyes.
The nurses are taking great care of Jake. It’s the ones who have people skills that we like. Some of them have even promised to attend the Brothers event. Others have stopped by after their shift in another part of the hospital. Those are the nurses we like. Say “Hi.” Be nice. Be honest. Nurses, if you’re reading this; take note. This is my brother we’re talking about.
By the way, this experience has also helped me to gain a whole new respect for nurses. It’s great to see someone who is so passionate about their job. They have to be some of the most caring people to take care of someone they’ve never met as if they’re family.
Let’s start thinking about Jake as a healthy man. Let’s recap on some of his double backflips and gainers while cliff jumping over summer. Mom, close your eyes for this one. Better yet, don’t click this link. White Rock Cliff Jumping
It won’t be long before he’s back to this and I want everyone to know he WILL snowboard with me again. I can’t wait for that day!! I’m smiling right now thinking about it. Let’s go bro! Mom, don’t worry I’ll make sure he wears a helmet.
Speaking of snowboarding, take a look at a video we did last winter.  New Age Pioneers
Life is short and you need to start living it today. You never know if something like this could happen to you. When I say “today”, I mean like right now as you read this. Get up and go do something you’ve always dreamed of doing. I never pass up on a good opportunity and you shouldn’t either.
After you’ve gone and done something inspiring, please come back to my blog and comment about it. I don’t care if it’s something as simple as speaking to a long lost loved one -or- even if it’s learning to ride a bike, or how to do jumping jacks. Seriously, anything! Go! Do! Get to living!

Oh yea, get this! The feeding tube they pulled out of Jake’s stomach had a knot in the end of it. You thought people were talented who would tie a knot in a cherry stem? Well, Jake can tie a knot in a feeding tube INSIDE HIS STOMACH!! WHAT!?

@SleepySchones just needed a good nap 😉