Soundbite Sundays | Podcasts & Books That Helped Me Transform My Life Completely

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Useful Takeaways From Podcasts I Listen to Each Week (See bottom of page for my favorite books and podcasts).

Week of Monday, 4/22/24 to Sunday, 4/28/24:

Link to Podcast:

Key Takeaways/Soundbites:

  1. The only innate fears we have our falling and loud noises; all other fears are created in our heads. Use intellectual fears as tools, such as using fear of failure a motivator to do better (not a reason to not do it or do better). Make this habit
  2. Failure and success are not different. “Success is 99% failure” – Honda founder he references.
  3. Get off yourself and on purpose. Don’t think of your fears as reasons to not do things; make your purpose your main driver to go after goals. And who cares what a few haters might say? Because your purpose is way more important so get in alignment with your purpose to overcome fears. Plus, there are only a small amount of haters and many lovers who it can help.
  4. Ask yourself: “Would my future self be more proud of taking a chance/going for it?” or more proud of not even trying? I think the first. You will be proud you showed up for yourself.
  5. It is ok to not know your purpose, but the only way to find it is BY TRYING NEW THINGS to figure it out. So try as many new things you care about as possible. 
  6. You don’t have to make money with your purpose, but, since you love doing it anyways, just spend as much of your time doing it as possible. And the average time to create a business out that makes money is 5-7 years. 
  7. We develop our own identity and can become who we wantit is not created by other people. We can get the courage to kill off the parts of ourselves that stop us from being our ideal self / no longer serve us.  EXAMPLE: Jim Carrey literally becomes a new person by becoming Andy Kauffman in the movie, “Jim and Andy”, Andy Kauffman’s daughter even did mini therapy sessions with Jim Carrey, because she felt like Jim Carrey was her dad. Jim even says that it got to a point, WHERE HE FORGOT WHO JIM CARREY WAS

  1. The only innate fears we have our falling and loud noises; all other fears are created in our heads. Use intellectual fears as tools, such as using fear of failure a motivator to do better (not a reason to not do it or do better). Make this habit
  2. Failure and success are not different. “Success is 99% failure” – Honda founder he references.
  3. Get off yourself and purpose. Don’t think of your fears as reasons to not do things; make your purpose your main driver to go after goals. And who cares what a few haters might say? Because your purpose is way more important so get in alignment with your purpose to overcome fears. Plus, there are only a small amount of haters and many lovers who it can help.
  4. Ask yourself: “Would my future self be more proud of taking a chance/going for it?” or more proud of not even trying? I think the first. You will be proud you showed up for yourself.
  5. It is ok to not know your purpose, but the only way to find it is BY TRYING NEW THINGS to figure it out. So try as many new things you care about as possible. 
  6. You don’t have to make money with your purpose, but, since you love doing it anyways, just spend as much of your time doing it as possible. And the average time to create a business out that makes money is 5-7 years. 
  7. We develop our own identity and can become who we want; it is not created by other people. We can get the courage to kill off the parts of ourselves that stop us from being our ideal self / no longer serve us.  EXAMPLE: Jim Carrey literally becomes a new person by becoming Andy Kauffman in the movie, “Jim and Andy”, Andy Kauffman’s daughter even did mini therapy sessions with Jim Carrey, because she felt like Jim Carrey was her dad. Jim even says that it got to a point, WHERE HE FORGOT WHO JIM CARREY WAS!

Link to podcast:

Key Takeaways/Soundbites:



*Below post is from my brother, JT Schonhoft in November 2012, while I was in a coma.

Jake Schonhoft is the younger brother of J.T. and Amber Schonhoft. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and moved to the country in Southern Indiana when he was very young. He has a huge heart and would do anything for anyone. He has suffered quite a few accidents in his life. He’s a tough kid and has always pulled through in every tough situation he’s been through. He’s been through quite a few hardships in life, including but not limited to, losing our father in 2006. Jake was very strong through the loss of Papa Tom, as Amber and J.T. were off to college. He was there through it all.

Jake is pretty much good at everything he does and loves being adventurous with his older brother out West on snowboarding trips. He actually set up a trip for this January with a group of friends to Breckenridge. It looks like we will have to alter those plans a little to accommodate Jake’s new condition.

1 Comment on “Soundbite Sundays | Podcasts & Books That Helped Me Transform My Life Completely

  1. Update: the winter trip I planned was actually to Keystone, and I was released from rehab at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital just in time (December 27, 2012) to make the trip in January 2013; although, I was still battling a lot of cognitive issues and still wearing a neck brace – I definitely was unable to snowboard then…but I’m now back to snowboarding just as well as I could before my accident (of course, I wear a helmet).

    I finally graduated from Purdue University in December 2014, after attempting and failing in fall 2013 and spring 2014 – THIRD TIMES A CHARM!

    (This website is now mine, and I will be editing / providing updates throughout the page – I still have a lot of work to do so keep visiting and checking for updates!)

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