My Lil’ Bro Is Rockin’ Right Along
Our Uncle Dan and Aunt Carol stopped by today and dropped off some pictures of us from when we were little. Here is my favorite from that stack. This is Jake and I when we were little. I believe we were eating some watermelon. It looks like I have a black eye, huh?
Jake is doing amazing today!
It was just a few days ago that he could barely make eye contact with me. I posted a picture of him making eye contact with the camera a few days ago on Facebook/Instagram. The reason I posted it was because it was the first time I could get his attention enough to look at the camera.
The very next day, he was laughing out loud. I walked in and was able to get him to smile huge for a picture. His friend came to visit and had him cracking up. It was amazing to see. I had butterflies in my stomach. BEST DAY EVER!
Then the next day he was able to give his buddy knuckles when he left.
I’m sure most of you saw the video on my Facebook of him laughing his butt off. It was so great to see!
Jake will be moving to Cincinnati for rehab on Wednesday.